Playing with Smart Molecules Together!

The Yuanning Feng Research Group will focus on the research on the design and synthesis of dynamic functional molecules and materials that mimic molecular behavior in organisms. We start with small molecules, demonstrate their properties and then use them as tools for the exploration of materials and biomimicry in collaboration with physicists, biologists and chemical engineers. The scientific questions that this group is interested in answering are how we can learn from biomolecules to achieve those fantastic life-like functions in the nano-world in addition to discovering the origin of homochirality, self-replication, autonomous motion, structural transformation and ultimately — life.
We commit ourselves to operating a research group with our passion for scientific engagement, in addition to serving the university with my enthusiasm for teaching and mentoring. We learn from the pioneers in the scientific community and with each other in the group. Group members are encouraged to explore and carry out self-motivated and curiosity-driven research projects as well as intra- and inter-laboratory discussion and collaboration.
“Science is the most powerful means we have for the unification of knowledge, and a main obligation of its future must be to deal with problems which cut across boundaries, whether boundaries between the sciences, boundaries between nations, or boundaries between man’s scientific and his humane concerns.” — JFK at the National Academy in 1963