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Group members attend the 79th ACS Southwest Regional Meeting

Yuanning Feng

Nov 18, 2023

American Chemical Society (ACS) Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM) is held in Oklahoma City Convention Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States.

Group members (Upasana Chatterjee, Muhammad Sani Muhammad, Tao Li, Jacob Solomon, Natalie Chapel, Jackson Lancaster and Yuanning Feng) attended the American Chemical Society (ACS) Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM) on November 15–18 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States. Jacob gave a poster presentation for his summer research project in the Sharma Group at the University of Oklahoma. We celebrated our colleague, George Richter-Addo who was elected as the Oklahoma Chemist of the Year and met researchers from other universities such as Karen Wooley (Texas A&M University) and Austin Evans (The University of Florida).

101 Stephenson Parkway / SLSRC 2060 | 2103
Norman / Oklahoma 73019 / United States

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

The University of Oklahoma

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